
Monday, October 26, 2015

The Uses of a Populace Badge

In the Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA), devices and badges are used differently. Assorted Lessons in SCA Heraldry puts it this way:

 A device is defined as, “A heraldic design that uniquely represents the person or group that owns it. A person who has not been awarded arms may register personal armory as a device. This device will become arms when the person is awarded arms”. A badge is defined as, “A piece of armory used by an individual or group to identify possessions, retainers, members, or other items. A badge is distinguished from a device, which is used solely by its owner.”

When it comes to SCA branches like shires, baronies, principalities, and kingdoms there are certain customs regarding devices. For example in the Kingdom of Calontir, only the rulers of a branch may display the device. The branch herald as he or she is the rulers’ voice may display the device on his or her tabard or baldric when performing his or her duties. Other than those two people, no one else may display the device of a branch. In the case of a shire, the shire herald may wear the device on a tabard or baldric when performing his or her duties as a voice herald, and the group may display it. However, individual members may not display the device on their own. Devices are only to be displayed when the owner is present. This goes for all devices whether group or personal. In the case of branches, the rulers or the groups are the owners. Customs in other kingdoms may differ, but for the most part, a device can only be displayed in the presence of its owner. 

This is where badges come in. A branch’s populace badge may be worn by any member of the group. It may be placed on items the branch owns, and it may be displayed on branch banners and insignia. This is why many SCA branches have what is a populace badge. A populace badge is a badge designed specifically for members of the branch to display on their clothing, banners, and other items. The gold striking falcon on a purple background is Calontir’s populace badge, and that is why you see it displayed on the fyrd’s tabards and on the kingdom’s banners. Any member of the Kingdom of Calontir may display it. The populace badge of the Shire of Amlesmore is blazoned as, “Gules, a spearhead Or” which is a herald’s way of saying a gold spearhead on a red background. It is a populace badge. Any one that is a Amlesmore member may use it to show he or she are a part of the shire.

If there is something that can have heraldic art displayed on it, a populace badge may be used for it. I have already mentioned banners and using badges as a way to mark what a group owns, but badges may also be used for favors, livery, and many other things. Livery is an excellent use for a populace badge in my opinion. It can be used on tabards or surcotes for fighters, and anyone performing duties in an official way at a shire event could wear a baldric, a tabard, or a surcote emblazoned with the badge. This would make it easy for folks to identify who to ask when they have a question at an event. Badges can be put on banners, pennons, and standards. It can be used to mark shire property. There are many uses for a branch badge. If you have a question about whether you can use a badge for something, by all means ask your kingdom principal herald.

Populace Badge of Amlesmore

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

SCA Heraldry for Non-Heralds

Being a shire herald I wanted to do something to help educate the members of my shire on the basics of heraldry. In Calontir we are encouraged to teach classes not only for other heralds and those interested in heraldry, but the populace as well. This not only helps the populace understand heraldry, but also helps heralds by giving them clients that understand the process of registering a name, device, or badge. I have been blessed with a shire enthusiastic about registering names, devices, and badges, so I wanted to do something back for them. In Amlesmore we all try to help each other by offering our skills to other members, and my particular skill is heraldry. I decided to share online my basic class on devices and badges I plan to teach it this spring in the hope it helps other local heralds design classes for their shires and baronies. Feel free to share the pdf with others, and I encourage other heralds to share their educational material online as well. Lets share the love of heraldry with all who will listen. You can read and/or download the pdf of my class at